Hey Simon, your own post was marked NC-17. Funny!
ive noticed that elsewhere--NC 17. what does it mean ?
jehovah's witnesses are such loving people with christian personalities, are they not?.
(ps, yes, i have a youtube channel.
Hey Simon, your own post was marked NC-17. Funny!
ive noticed that elsewhere--NC 17. what does it mean ?
what pranks could you/would you/ have you played in the kingdom hall?.
i have never but here's two i've thought of, 1) replace the liquid soap with glue 2) smear nutella everywhere in the bathroom!.
what's yours?.
nic--i heard a very similar story-----back in the late 60's--from bevan vigo--then the CO.
at the London Bethel guys would be on the back row with silver coins in their eyes--and stand up all together --to startle the speaker. perhaps thats where your mates got the idea from.
( i read on here some months back that bevan vigo is a senior guy at the beth hell these days.)
also, my wife has come to her limits of understanding me about the witnesses related grief i have been having.
she has told me many times to stop reading the ex-witness sites because i get depressed and become angry, which sadly is true.
it's not very productive to be sad throughout the entire day and then shout at your wife for the reason she has no first hand experience about, therefore how could she possibly know and help?
here is part 2..
so you will have some understanding of the boe i will reference in future posts, the following is who they are:.
the coordinator.
it is scheduled on our service meeting next week to have 3 local needs parts.
local needs 1 , local needs 2 and local needs 3.
apparently --there was a local needs talk--about me--lol. this was in 1981.
one of the sisters was disfellowshipped--then it was announced that--although i couldnt be d/f'd because i had already quit years before--therefore wasnt a JW---i was now considered as apostate--and should be shunned.
i wasnt there--of course--hadnt been to a meeting for years--i found out by a contact who was there.
i'd never heard of apostacy before. i think the elders were confusing it for adultery.
during the assembly they made an announcement about contributions and as always mentioned how expenses outnumbered the contributions so far and we are at a deficit of $6700 or so.
however, they then said that our money on hand in savings for the circuit was $51,000 and that they voted and will be sending $45,000 of it to the society.
who voted?
that is what the speaker said in his public talk this morning.
i was having dinner at olive garden with my cousin who was disfellowshipped for apostacy.
a holier than thou pioneer couple saw us.
if that was not enough i saw her take a picture of me with my cousin.
~2300 in attendance.
one day cost of $16,900!.
this was at romeoville, which was built ground up in the 90's and was fully paid for by the illinois circuits!.
that was a quote from a dyed in the wool jw recently.
it was a complaint.. we all know that with 'new light(tm)' that the watchtower corporation's version of 'religion' has kept changing for a long time.
since i remember.....and i go back a long way too.
'Maybe instead of "J-Dubs", we should call them "J-Worgs", now.'
i keep tellin ya--its---JW.ORGANS